Here are some frequently asked questions about our project.
The FAQ Accordion Component is designed to display frequently asked questions (FAQs) in a compact and interactive format. It enhances user experience by allowing visitors to expand and collapse questions to reveal answers, making it easier to navigate through information. This component is ideal for informational sections, help centers, or product support pages where clarity and accessibility are paramount.
The component's data structure is defined within a reactive faqContent object, which contains an array of content. Each item in the content array represents an FAQ entry with the following properties:
<FAQAccordion />
To integrate the FAQ Accordion Component into your Vue 3 application:
<script setup lang="ts">
const title = 'FAQs';
const description =
'Here are some frequently asked questions about our project.';
const content = [
title: 'What is this project?',
description: [
'This project is a cool project that does cool things and is cool to use and look at and stuff like that and things and stuff.',
isOpen: false,
title: 'How do I use this project?',
description: [
'You can use this project by doing cool things and stuff like that and things and stuff.',
isOpen: false,
const faqContent = reactive({ content });
const toggleAccordion = (index: number) => {
faqContent.content[index].isOpen = !faqContent.content[index].isOpen;
<div class="m-lg">
<div class="mx-auto w-full max-w-7xl text-black dark:text-primary">
class="mx-auto text-4xl font-bold text-black dark:text-primary sm:text-6xl"
{{ title }}
class="mt-xs border-b border-black pb-xs text-xl dark:border-primary sm:pb-sm md:pb-md"
{{ description }}
<div class="">
v-for="(items, index) in faqContent.content"
class="border-b border-black text-base dark:border-primary"
class="w-full py-4 text-left"
{{ items.title }}
<div v-if="faqContent.content[index].isOpen">
v-for="item in items.description"
class="mt-xs sm:mt-sm"
{{ item }}